"Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you" James 1:27

We continue to believe strongly in adoption - this blog serves to tell of our journey and encourages all who read it to learn of and love the journey of adoption!

Contact us at VJansen90@gmail.com

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Thank You Father

(The following letter was found by the Jansen's the morning of 3-8-11, along with a Cashier's Check)

My dearest Children,

I am here and I know the longings of your heart and those of your child. I have been preparing you for many things and will continue to provide all things in accordance to my will. I will not desert you, I will not leave you longing and I will not forget your devotion and loyalty to me. Your child is in my arms and will be with you shortly. My love for you is unending and I will go to great lengths to care for you. You have been faithful servants in whom I am well pleased. The time is near for your child to come home to you. Believe in my promises and I will show you miraculous wonders. I have provided this gift, knowing that your travel abroad is close at hand. I have set the date and will share it with you when the time is right. For now, I want you to know that I love you very much. I will be alongside you in the coming days just as I have always been. Do not be anxious. Be with me here and now and know that I am in complete control.

With all my love and through my servants,

Your Heavenly Father

Dear Father,

What an emotional day it's been since I rec'd your letter. Vicki and I have cried many tears of joy and gratitude today as we bask in awe of your faithfulness. Thank you for your servants and their amazing generosity. You tell us in your Word that you will supply all of our needs, and today, through them, you did just that. Thank you for answering our prayer for the exact amount we still needed - but had told only you of that financial need. I don't know which of your servants were involved or who gave so generously to our cause, but I know that you do and I ask that you would bless them, bless them A LOT. Let them know how thankful we are and how much we love them. Thank you too for your words of comfort and encouragement. They were exactly what our longing hearts needed to hear. You know how hard it's been lately to wait on You, but you've given us the reminder we've needed to persevere with hope and patience. Father, it is very hard to not be able to thank these servants who did Your work, but I know all Glory belongs to You and that is how they want it. So I praise you with all my heart and glorify you with everything in me. To YOU be ALL praise both now and forevermore!

With all my love and service,


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