"Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you" James 1:27

We continue to believe strongly in adoption - this blog serves to tell of our journey and encourages all who read it to learn of and love the journey of adoption!

Contact us at VJansen90@gmail.com

Monday, January 30, 2017


First of all, thanks to all of you who came out to support us at our Pancake Breakfast!  We are so grateful and loved seeing so many of you face to face - such a blessing!

We've had plenty of questions lately and thought we'd offer some answers - to the best of our ability.

Where are you in the process?  Currently, there are two things happening.  First, our Dossier, is going to Ethiopia to be translated into the Amharic language and will then go through MOWCYA (Ministry Of Women and Childrens and Youth Affairs) to be studied and approved.  After their approval, we will be submitted to Court and we will be given a court date.  Secondly, we have applied to USCIS (US Center for Immigration Services)  for our PAIR letter.  This is a letter determining whether or not our child is eligible to immigrate to the United States.  We have done all we can for both of these items and must WAIT (not so patiently) to hear about their approvals.

Are you concerned about the current immigration situation?  Will it affect the adoption?  Yes, we are concerned.  Internationally adopted children are considered immigrants, so we are of course, concerned  We do not think it will affect the adoption, but we do not know for sure.  For all sorts of reasons - it could trickle down to at least complicating our paperwork process because of all that seems to be happening at the USCIS.  We pray this will not be the case and pray for all those affected by recent events and decisions.  It is heartbreaking to us.

Why does it take so long?  Why does it cost so much?  This link seems to offer a wonderful explanation - better then we ever could.   http://lifelinechild.org/why-is-international-adoption-so-expensive/

Are you meeting the financial needs for the process?  Slowly.  Surely.  God is GOOD and we trust His provision.

When will you travel?  We have no idea - it all depends on when the Ethiopian Courts give us a Court date.  Sometimes it's hard not to worry about when we'll travel and how that timing with work out.  We would love to travel late Spring/early summer.  This would be ideal - on our calendars.  But, we know it is beyond our control and as time comes closer, we just have to trust God's plan.  We are currently also trying to figure out if we make one trip (probably 3 weeks long) or two trips of one week each.  There are pros and cons for both options....financially, relational, work wise, children wise, etc etc.  We'd greatly appreciate your prayers that we make the best decision for our entire family and your specific prayers that we travel in late May/early June.  :-)

How are ASL classes going?  We're learning.  Slowly.  :-)

Thanks for checking in and for asking questions and being interested.  Pray for our Boy over there - big changes are coming his way and we pray for his, and our preparation.  May He know the love, acceptance and belonging of a Family.  Forever.

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