"Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you" James 1:27

We continue to believe strongly in adoption - this blog serves to tell of our journey and encourages all who read it to learn of and love the journey of adoption!

Contact us at VJansen90@gmail.com

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Still Amazed

One year ago today will be a day forever stamped in my memory.  It followed a long weekend of waiting on God, praying, seeking, asking questions and trying to come to a decision.  The Friday before we had talked to our Agency about a little girl that was ready to be referred - but she was younger than we had planned on - we just weren't sure we were ready for that.  But, after the weekend of wondering and pondering, we decided that this was the referral we were ready to accept and had total peace about that.  So - on our lunch hours that day, Dave & I rushed home and opened the Referral email from our agency together and this is what we saw.......

We knew as soon as we saw those pictures, that she was ours!  Thankfully, since then, we've been blessed with another picture of her (Thanks Sarah!) from when she was at her first orphanage at a much younger age......and it looks like those eyes have always been so big!  :-)

I am Still Amazed.....

*That she is ours
*That she has adjusted to our family so well and that our other children have all adjusted to her just as well and they seem to love her more than I imagined
*Every time I see her playing with, laughing with, cuddling with, being loved on by her Daddy - this man who wasn't sure he could adopt because he feared he wouldn't love like he loves his bio children.  He can't get enough of this little girl.....he is head over heels in love with her.  I consider this a work of God every time I see it!  And it makes me love David all the more too - because he opened his heart to all of this.
*That we were concerned about changing diapers again and the terrible twos, etc.....sometimes that stuff isn't so fun, but it's back to the basics and that's not so bad.  Especially, when we are also at the same time, looking at college choices, scheduling ACT tests, teaching another child to drive, etc.  Diaper change?  Quick and simple and done.  Basic.  And - it is always wonderful to see life through the amazement and giggles of a little one - simplicity and joy!  Love it!
*That at 43 years old, I am back to being home full time and doing child care.  I certainly didn't see that coming.  But, it has been such a good decision for our whole family and I am enjoying it more than I even thought I would.  I love being with Martha, having the other kiddos here with us during the day and being able to be a bit more available for the older kids.  It has also given me a chance to help Dave a bit more as his ministry is concerned and be more of a helpmate to him.  That was another unexpected blessing!
*That God allowed us to get through the adoption process and how we have learned and grown through it.  It helps me realize how much God really does put all of the puzzle pieces together - even on those days when I thought I'd never make it through.
*That adoption is still so expensive and so complicated.  I understand that the children need to be protected and that there need to be certain policies and procedures in place to protect them.  But, there are millions of children who need homes and many parents willing to offer them - but the process, the costs, the red tape - it all keeps children and families apart. 
*At how much I've come to love the people and country of Ethiopia - somehow it has gotten into my soul.

And, now, the latest picture of that little girl- who one year ago today had no siblings and was considered an orphan......we are so blessed!

Thanks for reading.....we look forward to going out for Ethiopian Friday night to celebrate the Referral Anniversary. We'll take any reason we have to eat Ethiopian!

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